........soft like your emotions
During 2008, Aurifil promoted brand and products inside quilt magazines using this AD , today we received the follwing comment about it, I really wish to ask your opinion about........
I am a subscriber to the magazine Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting, and I feel I must write to you to explain my disappointment in your ad appearing on page 83 of the magazine. The copy line reads, "Strong like your passion, soft like your emotions." I realize that most readers of the magazine are female (as am I), and that many crafters and quilters in general are female, but I still find it offensive that your ad tries to enforce the notion that women have "soft emotions" based on their biology. I find it sexist and offensive. Although I am sure you produce a quality product, I will refuse to purchase any until you change your advertising tactics.
I didn't view the ad to have anything to do with the biology of women. Big deal that it plays up on the softer side of women...didn't Sears do that years ago with "Come see the softer side of Sears?" It's thread, thread is soft.
I wonder if he also has issues with every other article and ad in the Fons & Porter magazine...after all Fons & Porter have an ad where she cuts up the husbands shirt for a quilt.
Posted by: Jen-Cre8tiveQuilter | October 30, 2008 at 05:59 PM
I never saw the ad, and I guess I allow a little leeway (thicker skin here) and just like the product. It's hard to have an ad that appeals to everyone.
Posted by: Lori in SD | October 31, 2008 at 12:40 AM
I think it is a beautiful ad.
Posted by: Traci Suzanne Marvel | January 20, 2010 at 01:33 PM